Hemp and Herbal Product Information

Changing Seasons

Greetings from the Blue Star farm! As the Equinox approaches, we have to feel blessed and grateful for this season. Even though we have endured a year of tumult and transition, we are forever looking toward our connection to new friends, upcoming events, understanding our Path and seeking to embrace all the changes that come our way.

Today, Pete and I were discussing how Spirit is continuing to manifest a future for the Blue Star and how so many people are seeking to assist us along this path. An element that we discussed is how people are protesting and resisting the shutdowns, how anger and destruction are fueling our sense of separation from each other and the Earth.

What occurred to me was how what we really need to Resist is the intellect itself. Our over-thinking critical minds are standing in the way of who and what we can become. Only through finding that Silence, that Connection back to Source, can we truly change anything. First the Change must come from Within. As the Native teaching expresses, "As Within, so Without". 

So as we begin the transition into Fall with the Equinox, it's time to take stock of the "harvest" of the year. Have we brought to fruition any new relationships to our spiritual path? Have we reached out to care and heal those around us most at need? Have we quieted the mind enough to sense the connections that permeate our existence? Fall is the season to take stock of the first nine months of the year and see where our bounty has fallen short. 

So embrace the Change, Be the Change, but first manifest that Silence and connection through whatever path you have chosen to follow. Seek that inner balance for just as a stone thrown into a quiet pond, the Ripples of our actions, both positive and negative reverberate out as a concentric ring, affecting all those around us. Be Mindful of one's actions and thoughts, seek the balance and the light.


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