Product Information
All CBD products are Full-Spectrum, Whole Plant Extracts. Third Party Testing has been performed on all Products.
Specific Product Information
Oil-Based Tincture--Organic Hemp oil and Olive oil are used as the Extraction Oil for the Blue Star Tinctures. Full Spectrum and extracted from the whole plants in the In-House Processing Facility licensed to process CBD Hemp. Place 1/4 Stopper under the tongue and hold for 30 seconds for optimum sublingual dosage.
Oil Based Salve--Olive oil base infused with Four Herbs and CBD Whole Plant Extract. This product contains Beeswax and is Not Recommended for Internal Usage. Use product on sore joints, aches and pains, scratches, burns, scars, bruises, Sport injuries and other topical based injury.
Alcohol Based Tinctures--Full Spectrum Hemp/CBD extract combined with Sustainably Harvested Ginseng leaf. Infused in 80 proof alcohol. Alcohol extracts increase the shelf life of the product and also when used sublingually or placed into a small amount of water, is the fastest mode of transport into the body besides smoking the flower. Shelf stable for 7 years and heat and cold resistant.
Sports Relief Lotion--An 86% Organic Lotion base combined with our CBD Infused Hemp Seed Oil. Also included in the lotion are essential oils of Arnica and Lavender.
Coconut Body Butter--Coconut Oil infused with Blue Star CBD and combined with vegetable glycerin, Grape seed oil and essential oils of Lavender and Wild Orange.
Herbal Tinctures--Alcohol infused Herbal Tinctures. Non-CBD containing Herbal products. Immune Booster Formula.